Friday, November 30, 2012
Wedding Tunes
Blue Hues
Boy and I are moving into our new place tonight (!!!), and I cannot wait to channel my June Cleaver and set up our wee apartment- gotta love DC housing! For the living slash dining room, we are thinking of navy walls. I keep stumbling upon these cool blue living spaces that look both funky and relaxing. What do you think?
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Honeymoon Photos
Well, it's my first day back at work, and I'm still dreaming of sandy beaches, Pina Coladas, and grilled lobsters. I'd love to share some photos with you of our honeymoon in Jamaica. We wanted to stray away from the 'all inclusive' experience, and when I stumbled upon Jake's Hotel in a bridal magazine, I knew it was just the ticket. About three hours from Kingston and located centrally in Treasure Beach, the resort was the perfect location for relaxing and romancing.
Our first room- Starfish was oceanside and had an outdoor shower- amazing at sunset.
Later in the week, we upgraded to Abalone- complete with private balcony
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
We're back . . . from the wedding and honeymoon, and I have a repository of posts for you in the coming weeks! But in the meantime, I have to tell you that I just got my winter bangs (!!!). Every girl knows that braids and bobby pins are for the sweaty summer, but cool breezes welcome bangs. And I couldn't be more excited. Well, to be honest, the facts that I'm married to boy, we're moving into our new place on Friday, AND Christmas is a mere month away, are all adding to my excitement.
Friday, November 9, 2012
It's Friday . . .

Who feels like this? I hope you have a lovely weekend. We're wrapping up last minute wedding details, and apartment hunting . . . again. Oy, don't even get me started.
Again, have a lovely weekend!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Bachelorette Weekend
Chicago was amazing! Boy doesn't know it yet, but the city climbed to my short list of places for our next move. Mid Westerners are so gregarious, and even though it is a huge city, I felt like I was walking around in 'their town.' And, gosh, my friends are so lovely. I am so smitten with the love they showed me. From home cooked meals, cocktails galore, lovely dinners out, dancing the night away, and even to embarrassing sashes and odd bachelorette games, they are the sweetest of friends. Thanks Elizabeth and Leah- love you ladies.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Weekend Plans
(photo via )
What are your weekend plans? I'm heading to Chicago for a Bachelorette weekend with two of my bridesmaids who lovingly surprised me with a girls' weekend. I cannot wait to see their faces, clink toasts with them, and laugh until I'm exhausted. Here are some of the things we'll be up to . . .
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Anthro Love
To make the following happen, I need a fifty percent salary increase and numerous holiday parties to attend in order to justify such purchases. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Anthropologie, you swoon me. The November catalog is dreamy to say the least. Wouldn't you agree?