Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Safe and Sound
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The Tenenbaums
So, tell me, what were you for Halloween? I finally persuaded boy to try out a costume, and let me just tell you, he was utterly uncomfortable and out of spirits. I resolved to promise him that this would be the first and last of his dressing up days. He just looked so pitiful; you should have seen it.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Wedding: 2 things
I just finished updating our wedding website, using The Knot. I wish I had time to make all the changes and additions I'd want up there, but alas this will have to do . . . what do you think?
Monday, October 22, 2012
Wedding Question

(dress via Weddingdress)
Despite my worry and moaning, it looks like my dress will work out after all. Can I just say, Woo Hoo!? It was a rough go there for a while. Now onto the business at hand . . .
Many Hopes Video
(photo of me with some of the girls at the home)
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Who/what will you be for Halloween?

Halloween is approaching, and I have no idea what I'm going to be. How about you?
Philip hates, I mean ABHORS with a passion, Halloween. He's planning on wearing a suit, so when you ask him what he is, he replies "a man in a suit." He lends this attitude to the thinking that only children or parents of children should wear costumes; otherwise, you're just absurd.
Bridal Photos
I'd love to share some photos with you of my bridal shoot. I'm wildly in love with how these came out, and I owe it all to the lovely BMP, my good friend Brooke. She was a superb director and photographer, making me feel at ease as giant beetles crawled up the tree stumps just waiting to attack me- eek.
These will be a gift for boy; don't worry, he has strict instructions to not browse the blog these next few weeks.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
On self pity

It’s been almost a month since I last posted. Heavens, how time does
fly. I have about three posts sitting in my draft box just waiting to be
posted, but alas, time has not been on my side these last few weeks. Wedding planning
is in full gear; oh, and did I tell you that I was in Ethiopia for work these last couple weeks? I just returned Saturday, and it was an amazing time. More on
that later . . .